Whenever a fi re disaster breaks out, huge loses of property and sometimes lives are lost bringing to the fore the need to devise ways of preventing and curbing it. There are different kinds of fi res and almost all of them have various ways of fi ghting it.
Understanding the special technics may mean the difference between extinguishing it and making it worse. Whether you are trying to prevent and stop a fi re, you should always bear in mind these important preventive steps either at home or in your work place. Whenever there is an electric fire incident especially due to an appliance, always witch off the appliance and pull out the plug.
Smother fi re with a blanket or use a type C extinguisher. Never try to cool the fi re with water since water is a good conductor of electricity and can therefore lead to electric shock. The electric shock can be fatal. If you are fond of using portable space heaters, choose one with a thermostat which switches itself off when tipped over. Plug directly into own outlet and use it in an area free of combustibles as well as well-ventilated room. However, you should never leave it overnight.
It is essential that we understand how we can fi ght small cooking fi re in case it breaks out in our home. First of all, whenever this happens, you should quickly shut off the stove or an oven you are using, smother the pan with a lid, baking soda or type B extinguisher. Smother the fi re by keeping the door closed or by throwing some baking soda on the food. However, you should never move the pan since it will spill the oil and escalate the fi re. Never turn on the exhaust fan or use any water.
The fan will draw the fl ames into a concealed space. Let the fat cool because any contact with air may make the fi re fl are up again. Moreover, never heat a cooking oil and leave the room. The oil can ignite spontaneously. Keep combustibles away from the stove such as loose sleeves or scarves.
A hot oil can spatter and ignite any paper, cloth or a wooden material nearby. Oil may fl are If you are using an oven, avoid letting oil build up in any part of oven. An oily oven can easily catch fi re even during preheating. If there is too much fat on a piece of meat, the oil may fl are up and start a fi re. A gas fi re is quite hard to extinguish since the gas mixes with air and thus escalating it.
This may lead to an explosion. However, you should switch off the gassupply to stop more gas leakage. Smother it with a rug, blanket and type B extinguisher or cool it with water. Also, ventilate the area to let out the gas and call the Fire Department to minimize the hazards. For your safety, never enter an area with a lighted match or cigarette if you smell a gas from a pipe, heater or stove. Do not turn light switches on.
Even a smallest spark or fl ame can ignite the gas in the air and cause an explosion. Always store unused charcoal in a cool, dry place since damp charcoal can ignite itself. Use a metal pail or garbage can with a tight lid and place it in an open space where heat can escape if self-ignition occurs. Avoid putting fl ammable liquidsclose to hot light bulbs because vapors in air can easily be ignited. Instead, store it in cool, dry room in labeled metal containers with a tight lid. Stacks of Newspapers should not be stored in a damp, warm place because they can generate heat and thus ignite themselves.
It is advisable to store them in a cool, dry place at least threefeet away from any heat-generating source. Call the Fire Department if the fi re catches the chimney. For furnaces, radiators and water heaters, immediately shut off. Smother them if electrical. Use water or type A extinguisher only if the source is a gas.
Dispose of cool ashes in a lit metal container and never leave fi re unattended. Furnaces, radiators and water heaters should be installed properly and safely away from walls and ceilings. Never put any combustibles on or near the units. Keep the ducts and fi lters dust-free by regularly cleaning them throughout the year.